Image of Marble Eggs (6) Image of Marble Eggs (6) Image of Marble Eggs (6)

Couriers are extremely busy so please allow some extra time for delivery.

A group of six marble eggs.
Like a small sized egg,approximately 45mm long,solid marble,three are different shades of brown and the other three are white.
The white ones look more like marble with a shinier surface,the brown ones have a slightly brushed surface and are more mattte.
They look real at a distance and are lovely tactile things for decoration.

There are others here at the shop too sold separately or in groups.

Goods can be picked up from 212 Richmond Road Grey Lynn by appointment or we are now open most weekends,just add the code localcollection before checking out and you won’t be charged shipping.

If you have any trouble with the local collection step,email or instagram direct message us and we'll try and help you.